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Top 10 Unwritten rules of CQB - Part 03


Top 10 Unwritten rules of CQB - Part 03

Your brain is like a forest. When you were a kid, it was dense & grassy without any paths or traces. As you grew up learning new skills, experiencing and interacting with your environment you began to work and do things in a consistent pattern – basically creating distinctive paths in your brain to perform or complete different tasks (motor how to load a pistol forexample).  the more you repeat the task and receive feedback about that certain task, the faster, quicker and instinctive finding that way from A to B in your "brain's forest" to that task it is going to be. As you probably experienced before, when walking outdoor, humans like to walk comfortable visually & welcoming paths. If we take this statement into the forest metaphor,The less you practice, the less feedback you receive (among few other crucial processes) the less clearer or welcoming the path to a certain skill is going to be. in addition, less used or experienced skills are rendered less usable unless being deliberately chosen,something that is a luxury when human limitations kicking in.