‘’Yo Eli, why don’t you slice with High ready?’’ - Thats a question we get a lot.

High-ready and low-ready both have their merit. Any argument to dismiss either is futile. While 90% of the time I use variants of low ready, high ready still have specific applications that I found very useful.

But more specifically, let’s talk about it from the perspective of a search in CQB or during a ‘’slice’’. High ready isn’t really beneficial for the act of searching around a barricade/threshold and to my findings in particular in short distances, but even intermediate. First, although very mobile, in terms of movement around objects, High ready is not a natural position. Next, as in the pictures, HR reduces a significant amount of your FOV, and more specifically the lower section. Ironically, the lower part of our FOV, is the visual area that contributes to shooter error, pre-fight/encounter indicators as well as areas where humans tend to hide. There is much more to it. Know your positions. Understand where they fit.

Context Context.

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